Uppers Fantasy of Lights

November 29th - December 30th

Friday, Saturday & Sunday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Monday - Thursday 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Check daily for weather related information.


Sponsorship and Volunteerism

Fantasy Sponsor Form

Get involved through sponsorship or volunteerism.

Hundreds of volunteers are needed... volunteer one day for a few hours or much more! Confirm your volunteer participation.

2024 Dates

October 19: Unload trailers
October 20: Setup
October 26 & 27: Setup
November 2 & 3: Setup
November 9 & 10: Setup
November 16 & 17: Setup
November 17: Deadline for all displays and ground lighting to be completed by 3 PM
December 31 - January 19: Take down all displays and ground lighting
January 20: Displays loaded up and put away for the year

Complete the sponsor form to be a volunteer or a monetary sponsor.
Download the sponsor form.

Direct questions to Pat Eyestone 419-934-0431